Week 3 of Homespun Homeschool: We learned Latin 1st Declension noun endings, read The U.S. Constitution & the Articles of Confederation, worked on spelling, built a pendulum & measured the number of swings per 30 seconds, took dictation, wrote a persuasive essay about The Sign of the Beaver, worked on algebra and multiplication, read Johnny Tremain, learned the parts of an animal cell, read parts of The Federalist, learned about Greek & Roman gods, learned the logic concepts of Comprehension & Extension, wrote a paper about the Roman Aqueducts, worked on penmanship, learned about the debater’s role while researching & collecting 3 more articles on capital punishment, reviewed Latin grammar & vocab, performed an experiment to see how much the sun and surface of the ground affect temperature, diagrammed sentences, performed an experiment to look at diffusion at various temperatures, went to a Study Hall, performed an experiment to see how animals camouflage themselves, and started Bass and Drum lessons!