Homespun Homeschool Week #6

Week 6 of Homespun Homeschool: We translated Latin, drew cardioids, sprouted beans from seeds, wrote a paper about the story of the Trojan Horse, assembled fruit & candy to make the parts of plant and animal cells, finished reading The Scarlet Letter, studied logic, read the Defense of the Alamo, diagrammed sentences, learned about ancient Greeks, finished writing an essay on Johnny Tremain, practiced drawing faces, read The Missouri Compromise, worked on algebra, read The Monroe Doctrine, worked on division, summarized Washington’s Farewell Address, learned 2nd declension Latin noun endings, performed the Preamble to the Constitution, began working on the negative construct for Debate, discussed the Civil War & its connection to culture today, practiced drums and bass, and went biking at Furman!

Homespun Homeschool Week #5

Week 5 of Homespun Homeschool: We worked on algebra, finished writing our paper about Wind and Sun, translated Latin, kept records of science experiments in our lab journal, practiced playing drums, continued writing an essay on Johnny Tremain, started reading The Scarlet Letter, practiced playing bass, memorized the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution, finished prepearing the 1AC for Debate, read and annotated Washington’s Farewell Address, worked on drawing from what we know, read the Northwest Ordinance, took a spelling test, read Washington’s First Inaugural Address, studied Romans, read The Defense of Fort McHenry, discussed cell structure in living things, learned the logic concepts of Judgment & Proposition, learned about the Roman Empire, reviewed the states of matter, assembled “atomic models” out of cookie dough, and took Milo to the Biltmore for a walk in the Sunflower fields!

Homespun Homeschool Week #4

Week 4 of Homespun Homeschool: We learned the logic concepts of Signification & Supposition, diagrammed sentences, started writing an essay on Johnny Tremain, worked on spelling, read, annotated and summarized the first 10 Amendments in The Bill of Rights, started writing a paper about Wind and Sun, read some of The Red Badge of Courage, worked on Math Maps, read about architecture and drew a Greek coliseum, read the constitution and Amendments 1-27, had our first Art class, looked at states of matter and were amazed that sugar comes from Carbon, translated Latin, learned about the Seven Wonders of the ancient world, worked on the 1AC for debate including topicality and harms, worked on algebra, performed an experiment to see how various solids react in various liquids, performed an experiment to see how heat affects air, and performed an experiment to create a volcanic reaction!

Homespun Homeschool Week #3

Week 3 of Homespun Homeschool: We learned Latin 1st Declension noun endings, read The U.S. Constitution & the Articles of Confederation, worked on spelling, built a pendulum & measured the number of swings per 30 seconds, took dictation, wrote a persuasive essay about The Sign of the Beaver, worked on algebra and multiplication, read Johnny Tremain, learned the parts of an animal cell, read parts of The Federalist, learned about Greek & Roman gods, learned the logic concepts of Comprehension & Extension, wrote a paper about the Roman Aqueducts, worked on penmanship, learned about the debater’s role while researching & collecting 3 more articles on capital punishment, reviewed Latin grammar & vocab, performed an experiment to see how much the sun and surface of the ground affect temperature, diagrammed sentences, performed an experiment to look at diffusion at various temperatures, went to a Study Hall, performed an experiment to see how animals camouflage themselves, and started Bass and Drum lessons!

Homespun Homeschool Week #2

Week 2 of Homespun Homeschool: We started writing a paper about The Sign of the Beaver, played Number Knockout, read the Declaration of Independence & Nathan Hale’s famous speech, worked on spelling, learned the logic concept of Simple Apprehension, worked on penmanship, read The Call of the Wild, learned about the five kingdoms of living things, wrote a paper about the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, translated Latin into English, took dictation, chose 3 articles for our debate topic of capital punishment, performed an experiment to see how a spider uses vibrations on its web to communicate, looked at prepositions, performed a science experiment to explore properties of solids, worked on multiplication, performed an experiment to see why fish float belly-up, and presented an algebra problem for discussion in class!

Homespun Homeschool Week #1

Week 1 of Homespun Homeschool: We read the Magna Carta & the Mayflower Compact, built a Minecraft server, learned how to annotate, worked on multiplication and algebra, discussed the ways science is limited, learned Latin noun cases, read The Sign of the Beaver, took a deep dive into the concepts of Ex Nihilo, zero and infinity, reviewed Latin grammar & vocab, memorized the 10 Commandments, diagrammed sentences, worked on music theory, discussed the classifications of living things, started reading our logic text, worked on penmanship, and opened our Schule Tutes!

Homespun Homeschool Week #25

Week 25 of Homespun Homeschool: We completed lessons 5 and 6 in Discovering Atomos, recorded a video ad for the element Bismuth (starring Francis Beam), read 2 short stories, researched procedure for the day of the Mock Trial, finalized our short story, worked on Algebra, did our end of the year Blue Book exam, practiced our Mock Trial roles, watched My Cousin Vinny (the clean version), took a field trip to a strawberry farm, and performed our Mock Trial at the Greenville County Courthouse!

Homespun Homeschool Week #24

Week 24 of Homespun Homeschool: We completed lesson 4 in Discovering Atomos, wrote a paper about the TV show LOST, read 2 short stories, researched Objections and Hearsay for Mock Trial, finalized our short story and drew an illustration, worked on Algebra, looked at the Bill of Rights, learned new Logic concepts, wrote an advertisement for the element Bismuth, translated reading #25 for Latin, prepared for the Blue Book Exam, learned about natural selection, practiced our Mock Trial roles, memorized the first 20 elements of the Periodic Table, re-read our paper on John Andre from the Essentials classes printed book, stood in for the bailiff for Mock Trial practice, took an art class and painted in the style of Monet, and played dodge ball with kids against parents!

Homespun Homeschool Week #23

Week 23 of Homespun Homeschool: We completed lesson 3 in Discovering Atomos, read 2 short stories, discussed the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution, wrote a paper about the American flag, worked on Algebra, wrote the opening statements for the Prosecution and Defense for Mock Trial, designed the cover for our CC yearbook, researched the element Bismuth, finalized our short story and wrote an author’s bio, learned new Logic concepts, worked on Latin grammar and vocab, created flash cards and practiced our Mock Trial roles, and watched the solar eclipse with friends!

Homespun Homeschool Week #22

Week 22 of Homespun Homeschool: We completed lessons 1 and 2 in Discovering Atomos, learned about Intelligent Design, read 3 short stories, outlined the opening statements for the Prosecution and Defense for Mock Trial, brainstormed plot twists and surprise endings for our short story, discussed September 11, worked on Algebra, learned new Logic concepts, worked on Latin grammar and vocab, researched the opening statement for Mock Trial, wrote a paper about our upcoming trip to California, played the part of Igor Stravinsky for the morning assembly, hosted a lego video, had an easter egg hunt, and built our trampoline!
