Homespun Homeschool Week #16

Week 16 of Homeschool: We studied Bach, read about Italy and made homemade pasta, wrote a passage of Beowulf in Old English, read Charlotte’s Web (again!), learned how languages blend together using play-dough, practiced shading techniques, took an archery class and built a Medieval catapult!


Homespun Homeschool Week #15

Week 15 of Homeschool: We sketched an optical illusion, applied math using pattern blocks, experimented with light and shadows, created a Day In Your Life Bayeux Tapestry, copied an E.E. Cummings Christmas poem, studied American composers, read 13 books from the Beatrix Potter box set, rehearsed and performed for the CHDA Winter Recital, went to the zoo, and made a milk rainbow!


Homespun Homeschool Week #14

Week 14 of Homeschool: We added ornaments to our Jesse Tree, studied DNA (Daddy got a kit), read a poem about Bethlehem’s Christmas Mouse (thanks for sharing your talents Linda Nelson!) & wrote our own Christmas poem, learned about the Norsemen, worked on vertical addition, read Charlotte’s Web & watched the classic cartoon, studied hemispheres, made Truth in the Tinsel ornaments, rehearsed for the CHDA winter dance recital and made an Ephesians 6 gingerbread man!

Homespun Homeschool Week #13

Week 13 of Homeschool: We wrote in our gratitude journal and made a Thankfulness Tree, listened to “Kling Glochen” and translated the lyrics, read My Father’s Dragon, practiced composite shapes, learned about Bach and made german rye bread like he would have eaten, started our Jesse Tree for Advent, saw A Charlie Brown Christmas at the Roseville Theatre Arts Academy, made Truth in the Tinsel ornaments, rehearsed dances for the upcoming CHDA Winter Recital, practiced our Circle of 5ths, and made Christmas cards and goodies to send to family and friends!


Homespun Homeschool Week #12

Week 12 of Homeschool: We cooked a Moorish meal, launched bottle rockets 50 feet in the air, inflated balloons with vinegar and baking soda, wrote out the melody to Field’s original song “Mossview Way,” did CC review and cut out leaves for our thankfulness tree while eating gingerbread men, performed an evaporation experiment, wrote Bach’s minuet in G from memory (pitch’s all correct – no help from Mom!), learned about chameleons and their sticky tongues, completed the entire Doctor Mozart music theory workbook, and saw a Supermoon!

Homespun Homeschool Week #11

Week 11 of Homeschool: We made a Family Tree and created a map of our family dynasty, recorded a bean pod growing on our bean plant, created a collage-style still life from our reading of Henri Matisse, experimented with items in water to see if they float, decorated our bottle rocket for next week’s science project, and started writing a story based on a picture!

Homespun Homeschool Week #10

Week 10 of Homeschool: We learned our liquid equivalents, wrote note names for Bach’s Minuet in G and learned the right hand part, made a weather vane, did a presentation of our friends working as missionaries in Costa Rica, learned about George Washington Carver, made a model of the earth moving around the sun, learned about demonstrative pronouns, studied the culture of Spain, and learned about pointillism and the art of Roy Lichtenstein!

Homespun Homeschool Week #9

Week 9 of Homeschool: We made a Japanese collage kimono, learned how to play Mary Had a Little Lamb on our tin whistle, wrote haikus, made more pop-ups, observed flowers on our bean plant and transplanted it to the yard, had fun playing with color, mirrors and light, sang on our first recording session for mommy’s song “Days,” made a Japanese kite, and wrote out the right hand to Fur Elise!




Homespun Homeschool Week #8

Week 8 of homeschool: we made a Tang Dynasty pop-up palace, checked the progress of our bean plant, made block print wrapping paper like the ancient Chinese, drew impossible squares, made Van Gogh pop-up art, created an impressionistic landscape from last week’s thumbnail study, made a rainbow with water, sunlight and a mirror, wrote poems about our Solar System… and then made some more pop ups!