Week 9 of Homespun Homeschool: We studied Latin, finished writing an essay on The Scarlet Letter, learned the parts of a plant, worked on algebra, diagrammed sentences, performed an experiment and wrote a lab, read Billy Budd, practiced multiplication, read Seneca Falls Declaration, worked on Fourth Declension Latin noun endings, read Pledge of Allegiance (American Document), learned about Lao-Tzu and Conficious in China, read Atlanta Exposition Address, wrote a paper about the Mayans, read The New Colossus, practiced spelling, read The American Language, recited the U.S. presidents from memory, worked with our debate partner on strategy and arguments, discussed immigration in America, wrote an ANI chart for Billy Budd, and volunteered (Field) with Samaritan’s Purse in Asheville, to help clear out an elderly woman’s home affected by Hurricane Helene.