Homespun Homeschool Week #26
Week 26 of Homeschool: We made encaustic melted wax art with crayons, performed an experiment to learn how bees make honey, listened to “The Charge of the Light Brigade” read by Alfred Lord Tennyson, learned about Whale Sharks, discovered that our resident Dove Mama’s babies had hatched (!), read up for our trip to St. Louis and created a pop-up card of all the sites we plan to see, built a sea monster with a tilt sensor, began constructing our own “1812 Overture” to be played on a special music box for original compositions, wrote our own comic strips, recorded ourselves (Field) narrating Arnold Lobel’s wonderful Frog and Toad stories, took a Hamburger Farm field trip to Bishops Pumpkin Farm and learned about where every part of a hamburger comes from, and along the way got to see bees making honey up close, milk a “cow,” pan for “gold,” and eat hamburgers!