Homespun Homeschool Week #11
Week 11 of Homeschool: We learned about the endocrine system, read the Gettysburg Address aloud (Field), learned Latin noun and pronoun rules, read the words to the Star Spangled Banner and created firework art, wrote a short story called “Camping Out,” learned about the Civil War, studied John 1:11, built a machine that blows smoke rings, learned new Latin words, practiced French and Latin on Duolingo, learned about the American artist Andrew Wyeth and created art in his style, read the poetry of Robert Frost and basked in his calm, cold world of words, met up with CC friends online, added endings to word roots, read Frog and Toad stories (Francis), counted pairs, drew turkeys step-by-step, studied the account of David and Goliath, and wrote things we are thankful for and put them on our Thankfulness Tree!