Homespun Homeschool Week #1

Week 1 of Homeschool: We reminisced about last year and set goals for the new school year, watched the solar eclipse and made eclipse-shadows, learned about Columbus and Charles the 5th, read A Cricket in Times Square, practiced our history timeline with hand motions, learned how circles, dots, angles, lines and curves form the basic components of art, worked on our numbers and played fun math games, learned about persistence of vision, worked on U.S. capitals and our map of America, learned 3 Latin songs and studied the Latin alphabet, started reading Johnny Tremain, learned about the 4 types of human tissue and used our storyboard to tell stories!


Homespun Homeschool Week #35

Week 35 (our last week!) of Homeschool: We learned about New Mexico desert scorpions, created a Pueblo using addition, launched New Mexico hot air balloons in alphabetical order, re-read The Phantom Tollbooth, saw the Santa Fe Symphony perform at St. Francis Cathedral, did an artifact scavenger hunt at the Palace of the Governors, saw how the ancient native americans lived in the caves at Bandalier National Monument, explored the New Mexico History Museum, saw the oldest house and the oldest church in the U.S., visited the San Ildefonso Pueblo, explored the Grand Canyon, and went to the Spring Festival at El Rancho De Las Golondrinas and learned how to spin yarn and punch tin!

Homespun Homeschool Week #34

Week 34 of Homeschool: We learned fun facts about outer space, studied the faces and vertices of cones and cylinders, learned more New Mexico facts, reviewed the bones and organs of the human body and studied the digestion process, packed for Santa Fe & mapped out our route, studied Psalm 37, wrote about saving versus spending money, learned the difference between goods and services, and created art using pointillism!

Homespun Homeschool Week #33

Week 33 of Homeschool: We made slime from scratch then turned it into a bouncy ball, studied more of Santa Fe’s history and drew a trip route to Santa Fe, compared the first first family’s portraits to the current first family to see what we could learn, read about Marco Polo’s Journey to China and made our own paper like the Chinese, read about pueblos then built one from qwirkle blocks, and learned about manatees!

HomespunHomeschool Week #32

Week 32 of Homeschool: We studied the history of Santa Fe and made our own New Mexico state flags, studied fractions, made an accurate American flag and read about its history, studied circuits and made our own circuit wire connector, practiced pencil shading technique, and drew spiral roses!


Homespun Homeschool Week #31

Week 31 of Homeschool: We studied halves, quarters and fourths, wrote about our trip to SALTS, learned about Freedom Songs and wrote our own, had fun with our 5 senses, learned how a guitar makes its sounds, pitches and volume, took a field trip to Sutter’s Fort and went back in time, learned about national monuments, experimented with bubbles to see how they interact, and learned how to weave on a loom!

Homespun Homeschool Week #30

Week 30 of Homeschool: We created a parabolic curve design, learned about the Jews’ Diaspora, finished reading our book about Handel (Field said he couldn’t “Handel it”), read about Independence Day, wrote the first few bars to Field’s original song, “Mossview Way,” took a field trip to SALTS and played in the Himalayan pink salt, listened to whale calls and learned about echolocation, looked at treasure maps and created our own, taught Francis the shape and color of planet earth, translated French chocolate comics into English, practiced counting by 5’s and 10’s, and took a field trip to the Sacramento Children’s Museum!

Homespun Homeschool Week #29

Week 29 of Homeschool: We learned about Nelson Mandela and Apartheid ending, made a food pyramid and kept a meal journal, dropped eggs in our egg-crates (splat!), learned how to paint a portrait using a grid, finished Ephesians 6, learned about coordinates, made mini condor paper airplanes and raced them with our CC friends, studied units that measure electricity, finished making our Story Box, learned the Identity Law, made Easter art, studied Interjections, learned about mapmaking, read Kipling’s Rikki Tikki Tavi, built domino falls, and wrote our Aunt Liz in Spain an email in Spanish!

Homespun Homeschool Week #28

Week 28 of Homeschool: We built an egg crate, learned the Distributive Law, started building a story box (about the Beams moving to South America!), studied how heat flows, took a field trip to the Placer County Sherrif’s Office, studied adjectives, learned about the life of trees and made some discoveries in our own backyard, compared & contrasted the life cycles of frogs & mice, studied famous London landmarks and finished building our pop-up London book, performed an oxidation experiment, and played putt-putt golf for the first time!

Homespun Homeschool Week #27

Week 27 of Homeschool: We gave a presentation on Snap Circuits, watched our radishes, carrots and chard begin sprouting, learned the Commutative Law, studied the fall of Communism, made Tiramisu and enjoyed the fruit of our labors (yum!), studied Handel’s life some more, learned the 3 Characteristics of Light, studied more nutrition labels, analyzed the music of Dvorak, practiced story-telling by writing titles, learned about Coordinating Conjunctions, studied our Catechism, did more forces in motion experiments, drilled for Memory Master, and did all 101 of our Snap Circuit’s projects!