Homespun Homeschool Week #26

Week 26 of Homeschool: We learned how to read nutrition labels, used pattern blocks to play out math concepts, planted seeds in our root viewer, worked on Spanish vocabulary, studied Central American geography, read some more about Handel, worked on our numbers and letters with Francis, studied the Third Law of Thermodynamics, had a “birds and bees” conversation :0, learned the Associative Law, used conjunctions, studied physics by building a bridge out of straws, analyzed Brahms’ music, made bunny and an apple crafts, and performed too many forces in motion experiments to count!

Homespun Homeschool Week #25

Week 25 of Homeschool: We studied fractions, read all about medieval castles, documented soundscapes, studied appositives, drew a picture of our Yamaha PSR-3000 keyboard, learned the circumference of a circle, watched the great British baking show and discussed prospective recipes, studied Southcentral Asia, learned about the Vietnam War, wrote a song for Mommy, studied the life of Handel, analyzed Beethoven’s 5th Symphony, experimented with forces in motion, drew the Great Seal of the United States, and planted seeds for our Spring garden!


Homespun Homeschool Week #24

Week 24 of Homeschool: We learned about Southeastern Asia, gave a presentation on the human body, studied 1950’s history and the Korean War, practiced our alphabet (Franny), learned pi and the area of a circle, worked more on the concept of symmetry, created an abstract clay-art piece, wrote out the notes to the Alphabet Song, learned the 3 Laws of Thermodynamics, performed an original song for our CC friends, played a parts-of-the-body scavenger hunt game, studied the number 4 (Franny), learned what a Gerund is, took a cooking class and learned how to make homemade ricotta and baked pasta, talked about foods that come from the rainforest, and shared all about the Beam Family with our CC friends!

Homespun Homeschool Week #23

Week 23 of Homeschool: We practiced concepts of symmetry, created chain reactions with legos, named parts of the human body and drew pictures of them, learned the layers of tropical rainforests, studied the life of George Washington, learned how to add tens and ones with regrouping, studied King Richard and the Crusades, cooked fajitas, studied music theory, played “Allowance!” (again), learned about how the human body eats and drinks, made pop-ups, read “The Peanut-Butter Hamster,” and made a fun froggy craft! Oh – and rested… we were sick 🙁

Homespun Homeschool Week #22

Week 22 of Homeschool: We studied desert habitats, made an archery bracer, used doubles to subtract, studied countries of central Europe, built a castle in our lego class, studied the Design Spectrum, studied the human body using our squishy model, wrote with Egyptian hieroglyphics, learned the area of a triangle, took a tour of Roseville Fire Station #1 with our CC friends, studied recycling & natural resources, learned how lightning travels & cumulus clouds form tornadoes, practiced perspective by drawing legos, made a story about the human body with Story Cubes, learned Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion, and cooked 2 Hello Fresh meals together!

Homespun Homeschool Week #21

Week 21 of Homeschool: We read about Sweden, learned the area of a square, studied Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion, read 2 chapters in The Wind In The Willows, built a bridge out of index cards and experimented with the strength of various structure designs, gave a presentation on why we love homeschooling, created art like Degas, made Valentine’s cards for friends & family, studied breathing and circulation, read books with friends on a rainy day, transformed a hard-boiled eggshell into a bendable one, took a field trip with Classical Conversations to the Aerospace Museum of California to see Machines in Motion, and met Leonardo DaVinci!

Homespun Homeschool Week #20

Week 20 of Homeschool: We drew geometric solids, finished reading George MacDonald’s “The Wise Woman,” learned all about currency and made an origami money-butterfly, explored the solar system with our 3D Viewmaster, presented Amazing Grace and its history to our CC class, learned the area of a rectangle, studied the crusades and made a flip book showing the conquest & reconquest of Spain, studied Newton’s First Law of Motion, painted a Monet landscape, learned about Plymouth Rock, and made change playing the board game “Allowance!”

Homespun Homeschool Week #19

Week 19 of Homeschool: We learned the 4 purposes of sentences, studied the human brain and how it works, finished reading The Phantom Tollbooth, learned about the Chinese New Year and made traditional paper cut outs, studied the countries of World War 1, learned our metric measurements, created a flashcard for President Trump, practiced correct piano fingering, made a Valentine’s Day mail box, learned about the importing and exporting of food, studied Gainsborough and his detailed landscapes, and celebrated Classical Conversations, Homeschooling and Visions as our School Choice!



Homespun Homeschool Week #18

Week 18 of Homeschool: We performed pH experiments to discover acids and bases, studied adverbs, learned about segregation and the work of Martin Luther King Jr., built a penny tower, studied Carl Linnaeus and Latin classification and drew plant parts using his scientific method, read about 5 brilliant black scientists, looked at viruses sticking to cells, studied the leaders of World War 1, and learned about American national symbols!

Homespun Homeschool Week #17

Week 17 of Homeschool: We studied the order the States joined the Union, built a robot dinosaur (thanks Grandma!), learned about Rembrandt and painted using his style and color palette, started tap dancing classes, wrote a comic-strip about 2 pirates and a parrot, studied negative numbers, worked on our Catechism, learned about muscles and bone structure, studied indefinite pronouns, experimented with floating objects on water’s “skin,” and discovered that Field has perfect pitch!