Homespun Homeschool Week #10
Week 10 of Homeschool: We worked on fast forms in math, learned about the 3 branches of government, lost (then found) our bunny Henrietta, looked at our ballot state measures and talked through the arguments on both sides, learned about the art of Norman Rockwell and created art in his style, built a moving model of the earth moon and sun, learned about horizontal vertical and oblique lines, built a paper lantern with constellations shining through, put together a hundred number chart puzzle, worked on spelling, carved jack-o-lanterns, learned Latin article rules, assembled the United States from memory, posted signs for John 1:1 on the trees in our neighborhood trail, diagrammed sentences, learned about Manifest Destiny and made comic strips to illustrate, and went to Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm where we drank apple cider-smoothies, took a hay ride, and picked out pumpkins!