Homespun Homeschool Week #22

Week 22 of Homeschool: We studied ancient Sparta and Athens and made some Spartan warriors, learned some new helping verbs, read Harold and the Purple Crayon and made our own crayon creations, learned some parts of a volcano, read Captain Underpants, performed the first 11 magic tricks from the book 101 Cool Magic Tricks, took a look at naturally occurring rock arches, and build our own using Jenga blocks, play dough, craft sticks and books, read several chapters in Spirit Flyer Book #3, exchanged Valentines at CC and Fusion, worked on our spelling, and started writing a new play called Sans Serif!




Homespun Homeschool Week #21

Week 21 of Homeschool: We learned helping verbs, inspected soil for forms of life, learned how to identify rocks, read in our Spirit Flyer book #3, learned the area of a rectangle, looked at a chrysalis, a blade of grass and a decayed leaf under the microscope, found African Waters on the map, worked on reading and writing, studied our Latin first declension noun endings, learned about the Medes and Persians and Cyrus the Great, practiced ordering numbers, learned the 4 kinds of volcanoes, studied the civilizations of Mesoamerica, and ate like Hobbits for a day!


Homespun Homeschool Week #20

Week 20 of Homeschool: We studied metric measurements, learned about Prince Henry of Portugal and created a music box version of the CC song, learned each continent highest mountain and which is the shortest and the tallest, read Katy and the Big Snow and made our own snow plow, studied our Latin first declension noun endings, used flip books and number stacks to practice addition, learned the geography of the Middle East, grew crystals, learned about the re-civilization of Ancient Greece and wrote our names using the Greek alphabet, read the story of Jonah and made our own Jonah and fish, learned about the Robinson Projection Map and how to use it, read 1/2 of book 3 in the Spirit Flyer Series, and made hot cocoa cupcakes from our Raddish Kids box!


Homespun Homeschool Week #19

Week 19 of Homeschool: We learned about the early Greeks and made a sword and shield out of duct tape, learned 3 main types of rock, drew the bones in our hands, studied our linear equivalents and learned how to measure by inches, gave presentations on our trips to L.A. and the Monterey Bay Aquarium, created art in the style of Ghiberti, reviewed our Latin Noun Cases, learned step 1 of how to juggle, read The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, learned new Latin words and phrases, practiced skip-counting by 10’s, and learned a ton of card tricks and practiced on Mom, Dad and Granny!


Homespun Homeschool Week #18

Week 18 of Homeschool: We learned Liquid Equivalents, did a taste test, read about Mexican Jumping Beans, studied Latin noun cases, went for a hike, practiced reading and writing, learned Western Africa’s geography, performed an experiment to see how the earth’s tilt causes seasons, studied Ancient Crete & the Bull Jumpers, learned about the earth’s core, mantle & crust, performed an experiment to see how soil layers form, learned how the Kush mined gold, made shadow puppets and designed our own fishes at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, learned compound prepositions, created art like Giotto, and slept overnight at the Monterey Bay Aquarium!


Homespun Homeschool Week #17

Week 17 of Homeschool: We had fun with bubble science, learned Spanish verbs, built a Praxinoscope and watched the magic of animation, worked on our letters, learned how to study the Bible inductively starting in 1 Peter, read about Ancient Babylon and the story of Marduk and Tiamat, learned how to play Beethoven’s 5th using pictures as pitches, used latitude and longitute to find locations on maps, and wrote silly Haikus!

Homespun Homeschool Week #16

Week 16 of Homeschool: We did equations using lines of Latitude and Longitude, learned about the return of Assyria, worked on our drawing skills, wrote out holiday words, worked on fractions, made paper gingerbread men, wrote about what he (Field) will be doing in 20 years, went to see mom caroling, wrote Haikus, went to Dovewood Court to see the Christmas lights, and went to see the Nutcracker Ballet!

Homespun Homeschool Week #15

Week 15 of Homeschool: We continued experimenting with cardioids and multiplication, learned about the Phoenicians and their early settlements, went to a cookie decorating party with our homeschool friends, worked on spelling, continued working on our “th” and “sh” sounds, built modern art sculptures, went fishing for sight words, made a Sierpinski Fractal Triangle Christmas tree (with a Koch Snowflake star) out of gingerbread, and found a cardioid in a cup of cocoa!



Homespun Homeschool Week #14

Week 14 of Homeschool: We learned about fractals, including the Mandelbrot, Sierpinski Triangle and Koch Snowflake, worked on our “th” and “sh” sounds, learned about Angiosperm, Gymnosperm, Seedless Vascular Plants and Non-vascular plants, worked on Spanish, learned about the historical context of Moses and the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt, wrote about the process of making textiles for a coat, wrote sentences using Latin words, and created cardioids using multiplication!

Homespun Homeschool Week #13

Week 13 of Homeschool: We learned about the Muslim Empire, found examples of plants that don’t use capillary-action and drew illustrations (moss), reflected on everything we love about November, read about Ahaz’s idolatry, built math domino falls, reviewed our Latin 5th Declension Noun Endings and famous Latin sayings, added leaves to our Thankfulness Tree, completed our list of Prepositions, finished our Reading Readiness book (Francis!), learned about photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration, memorized our Tablespoon and teaspoon conversions, had fun making a collage to classify animalia and plantae, and watched our first (of two) chrysalis hatch into a beautiful butterfly!